Sunday 18 April 2010

[ARTIKEL] 9 Surprising Symptoms of Stress

this article is taken from Yahoo! HEALTH (the words in red are my own)

1. Tweaked Muscles

what to do: Take 5 to 10 deep breaths and focus on relaxing the tense area of your body, says Dr. Lombardo. For the neck, try gentle neck rolls or enlist your friend to give you a quick shoulder rub.

2. Eye Twitching

what to do: "Closing your eyes and visualizing your happiest place on earth will help." Also, avoid stress-related eye issues by giving your peepers a break now and then. "If your eyes get stressed from detailed work at the computer, 'stretch' them every 20 minutes by looking out the window at a larger landscape," suggests Mandel. "If you have no view, close your eyes and imagine a panorama."

3. Ragged Cuticles

what to do: If you take stress out on your hands, consider keeping a stress ball in your desk drawer-something you can squeeze or knead when on the phone with a difficult client, for instance. This helps "squeeze the stress out of your body," says Mandel. or maybe a hand grip?

4. Cavities

what to do: Mandel suggests redirecting your anxiety to pen and paper. "Set aside time to write down your problems to see them objectively in black and white, and then jot down some solutions," she says. But, she adds, "If teeth grinding is severe, see a dentist about getting a mouth guard."

5. Rashes

what to do: place your hand right above your belly button. "Every time you inhale, you want your hand to rise; with each exhale, it lowers. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths periodically throughout the day."

6. Nausea

what to do: Let tepid water run over your fingers; it's believed to keep nausea at bay.

7. Sleepiness

what to do: Go to bed earlier, says Mandel, or catch a 30-minute nap midday, and don't feel guilty about doing so. "There is great productivity in rest," she says. "You come back more focused!" wow, i hope that works :D

8. Forgetfulness

what to do: "Go for a walk, run up a flight of stairs or dance around to the newest Black Eyed Peas tune. (make sure the line's clear first! and why Black Eyed Peas? :-/)" Exercise, she adds, keeps your brain sharp and may even help you be more prepared for future stressful moments.

9. Confusion

what to do: To restore focus, take a walk, she says. "Move the stress out of your body by exercising large muscle groups like the legs. You will gain clarity. Walk out in the light and you'll reset your natural rhythm while you move out the stress. Sunlight helps the body release serotonin to improve mood, and vitamin D helps you improve your immune system-a great perk."

for further reading:

9 Surprising Symptoms of Stress

some last words of reminder:

"Sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya) dan memberi petunjuk ke jalan agamaNya, sesiapa yang rujuk kepadaNya, (iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah' ketahuilah dengan zikrullah itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia. orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, beroleh kebahagiaan yang amat menggembirakan dan tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya" (arRa'd:27-29)

regarding the verse, check this out: Maksud tenang dengan mengingati Allah
