there's another source saying that the daylight saving time will be activated at 0000 hour tonight (or is it tomorrow?). so stay alert, especially since we have an important event tomorrow: KSPCI 2010 Final Day.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
[PENGUMUMAN] Daylight Saving Time 2
Posted by the Red Dragon at 06:20 0 comments
Labels: daylight saving, pengumuman
[EVENT] KSPCI 2010: Final Day Tentatif
from alex med, posted by che (abang)
Al aqlu salim fi jismi salim…(Akal yang sihat adalah dari badan yang sihat)
Salam semua, I.A 30hb ini (Jumaat) Final day utk KSPCI akan diadakan..disini sy sertakan tentetif karnival sukan
6.30-8.00 : Belapan Perempuan
8.00-9.30 : Belapan Lelaki Dan Lompat Jauh Lelaki
9.30-10.00 : Ketibaan Tetamu
10.00 : Bacaan doa
10.05: Ucapan VIP dan perasmian oleh Ustaz Ishak.
10.25:Persembahan Maskot Rumah
10.35:Penyampaian Hadiah
11.15:Penyampaian Hadiah
a) Kawad
c)Maskot Terbaik
12.00: Bersurai
p/s :1)Pemakaian pelajar2 pada hari tersebut adalah bertemakan kpd warna rumah masing2.
2)Pemakaian mestilah menutup aurat
- Tiada unsur2 memakai pakaian yg tidak cukup kain (ketat/lgn pendek) bg perempuan.
- Berseluar pendek bg lelaki juga tidak dibenarkan (atas lutut)
3)Kpd Akhwat shj,selepas acara sukan belapan akhawat selesai, anda diberi kebebasan utk tetap berada di stadium atau pun kemana2 shj tetapi sila lah dtg kembali utk acara penyampaian hadiah.
4) Tiada unsur2 pencampuran lelaki dan perempuan.
Sekian,terima kasih.
Yang Benar,
(Unit juruacara/hakim)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 05:59 0 comments
Labels: event, KSPCI 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
[AKADEMIK] O&G: goups 1 and 4 only, download notes
1. from alexmed, posted by syai
info dari Madam Ibtisam..2. now you can download all the shared notes at one site: Notes Sharing
esok, 28 april 2010
kul 9pg - ILA
kul 12tgh - clinical round
i have put the link in the downloads area, together with the download links for the medical subjects under the name Notes sharing
Posted by the Red Dragon at 13:24 0 comments
Monday, 26 April 2010
[ARTIKEL] I Still Know Who She Is
(actually this is not really an article, more like a short story, but since it's too much work to add another category in the blog, i decided to put this in the ARTIKEL category)
I found this in my inbox and decided to share with all of you. i couldn't find the original author but i hope it is of benefit:
I Still Know Who She Isbefore you draw any conclusions, let me clear some facts first: I'm not an advocate of love before marriage, which is not this story is about anyway (instead it's about love during (or it is already AFTER) marriage, but since most of us haven't experienced it yet, it is not really relevant at the time being) but that is not the subject of discussion right now. the reason i post this story is that i think if we weave medicine and love to a story, it can keep us medical students of our age reading till the end, where the real message lies.
It was a busy morning, about 8:30 , when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided since I wasn’t busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On examining it I saw it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors and got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.
I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while! As she is a victim of Alzheimer's disease .
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled as he patted my hand and said , 'She doesn't know me but I still know who she is.' I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm and thought,
'That is the kind of love I want in my life. True love is neither physical nor romantic .
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
what i want to share from this story is eventually the last 2 paragraphs , which are written so beautifully:
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not is mainly about syukur, sabr, redha and tawakkal. and what did Rasulullah s.a.w. teach us about acceptance? '..bahawa engkau percaya kepada Qadar baik DAN buruk..' (hadis riwayat alImam Muslim) if we really understand and practice our religion, we the muslims are actually the happiest of people living this world
Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
and again i bring to you this ultimate words of wisdom that should make any muslim with iman in his heart stay strong:
“Sungguh ajaib dalam urusan orang mukmin! Sesungguhnya setiap urusannya baginya ada kebaikan dan perkara ini tidak berlaku melainkan kepada orang mukmin. Sekiranya dia diberi dengan sesuatu yang menggembirakan lalu dia bersyukur maka kebaikan baginya dan sekiranya apabila dia ditimpa kesusahan lalu dia bersabar maka kebaikan baginya.” - (Hadis riwayat Muslim)
"Pada hari ini Aku telah sempurnakan untuk kamu agama kamu, dan Aku telah cukupkan bagi kamu ni'matKu serta Aku telah meredhai Islam sebagai agama kamu".
(Al-Maaidah: 3)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 12:28 0 comments
Labels: artikel
Sunday, 25 April 2010
[IKLAN] Kurma Jauharah untuk ditempah
kurma inti coklat (500g) (A1): LE 13.50p/s: i heard that there are tasty soto and scrumptious laksa open for order for KSPCI 2010 Final Day (30/4). for more information, contact Yus and Damia
kurma badam (500g) (A2): LE 13.50
kuram badam eksklusif (A3) (24 biji, packing cantik): LE 14.00
special offers:
1. percuma 1 kotak kurma bagi setiap 10 kotak kurma (buy 10 free 1!) (kurma percuma mungkin kurma biasa)
2. 1 week money back warranty (kalau ada tak puas hati spt kotak koyak/tak cukup berat etc)
3. home delivery (tak semestinya pergi ke rumah, mungkin blh bg masa kuliah je)
some info:
1. kurma badam ekslusif sgtlah sesuai diberi sebagai hadiah kerana bungkusannya dan susunan kurmanya yg cantik
2. ana hanya bekerja sebagai agen di bawah seorang ustaz yg do most of the work. hanya sekadar membantu
jika anda berminat boleh hubungi saudara Muhammad bin Hasbullah untuk tempahan:
no telefon: 016-1280611
email dan YM:
sila nyatakan nama, email, YM, no telefon* dan bilangan kurma yang dikehendaki
cth: Si Fulan bin Fulan,, YM: si_fulan, 012345678. 15 A1, 3 A2, 2 A3 (maksudnya 15 kurma coklat, 3 kurma badam dan 2 kurma badam eksklusif. total kotak: 20, dgn ini Si Fulan akan mendapat 2 kotak kurma free)
*contact info ni hanya digunakan oleh agen (dlm kes ni Muhammad) dan tak akan disebarkan kpd sesiapa tanpa izin. jika tak nak bg semua pon, salah satu pon ok je. ni untuk tujuan memudahkan urusan, terutama masa home delivery
segala tempahan dan bayaran hendaklah dibuat sebelum 31 Mei 2010 kerana ustaz yg menguruskan ni perlu pergi ambil kurma di siwa sebelum pertengahan bulan Jun. kalau diambil selepas itu, harga kurma akan naik LE 1 bagi setiap kotak.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 22:35 0 comments
Labels: iklan
[AKADEMIK] O&G this week, the conference, the elective subjects
1. O&G
from alexmed, posted by syairazi
makluman dari Dr Medhat...2. regarding conference
hari selasa, kls mcm biasa..termasuk clinical round pun ade... (kul 9pg ade presentation yg melibatkan byk negara, Malaysia diwakili oleh presenter yg mmg power....hee), so kalu xde TBL, g tgk presentation....
hari rabu, ade conference kt hospital shatby..."you can choose any conference if you want" ayat prof mcm tu r lbh nak pergi pn x pe, x pergi pn x pe..attendance x amik..
hari khamis dan jumaat, conference kt green plaza....kalu nk pergi pn x pe, x pergi pn x pe....
sabtu cuti.....
from alexmed, posted by afifah
3. elective subject
from alexmed, posted by anas kamarudin
p/s: regarding the elective subjects, do recheck your names. i noticed that there are some names that were wrongly put in the list though he had taken the subject the previous yearANNOUNCEMENT
Arabic handwriting elective subject will begin in 17/ 4/ 2010 in the conventional center for six weeks, followed by exam in the seventh week in the following schedule:
Fourth year:
All students: Monday 4-6 p.m
Hospital management elective subject will begin in 24/ 4/ 2010 in the conventional center for six weeks, followed by exam in the seventh week in the following schedule:
Fourth year:
All students:
Saturday 6-8 p.m
Rest of electives will take place next year.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 22:01 0 comments
[CADANGAN] Notes Sharing
just a suggestion that perhaps can improve our academic quality as a batch: sharing notes.
there are several ways to do this:
1. if you are the kind to make notes, be it lectures, clinical rounds or tbl/ila, photocopy them and you can either sell or just distribute them (of course they have to be at least legible)
2. if you like to type them down in Microsoft documents or draw mind maps using various softwares, upload them somewhere like in mediafire or 4shared and send me the link. or just send to my email: merahsaga06[at]gmail[dot]com and i will upload them myself. insyaAllah i will create a link for all to download at a single site
Types of Abortion (O&G)(credits to Jo)
Primitive Reflexes and Responses (Pediatrics)(credits to Muhammad)
Pediatrics Clinical Sheet (pediatrics)(credits to chikut)
thank you for sharing. jazakumullahukhair
hadis ke-36 dari Hadis 40 oleh imam anNawawi:
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. daripada Nabi SAW, Baginda telah bersabda:
'Barangsiapa yang melepaskan seorang mukmin daripada satu kesusahan daripada kesusahan-kesusahan dunia, nescaya Allah akan melepaskannya daripada satu kesusahan daripada kesusahan-kesusahan Qiamat. Barangsiapa yang mempermudahkan bagi orang susah, nescaya Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya di dunia dan di akhirat. Barangsiapa yang menutup ke'aiban seorang muslim, nescaya Allah akan menutup ke'aibannya di dunia dan akhirat. Allah sentiasa bersedia menolong hambaNya selagi mana dia suka menolong saudaranya...'
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 21:37 0 comments
[EVENT] KSPCI 2010 Final Day
from alexmed, posted by hasanah
Assalamualaikum wbt.Sekadar pemberitahuan buat semua.InsyaAllah 'FINAL DAY' untuk Kejohanan Sukan Perubatan Cawangan Iskandariah akan diadakan pada 30 April 2010 .Perjalanan program akan dimaklumkan kemudian.Untuk kedudukan pingat terkini rumah sukan.SILA KLIK DISINISyukran jazilan.Unit Promosi, Jemputan dan Sambutan KSPCI 10.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 21:23 0 comments
Labels: event, KSPCI 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
[ISU SEMASA] GIRLS BEWARE: a tragic story of an indonesian woman
this occurs at egypt, few days ago
Mungkin sudah selayaknya pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengkaji kembali 'ekspor' TKW ke negara-negara Arab, karena faktanya para TKW Indonesia di negara-negara Arab lebih memprihatinkan nasibnya dibandingkan dengan teman-teman mereka yang menjadi TKW di negara-negara bukan Arab dan non Muslim seperti, China, Taiwan, Hongkong, dan Korea.ugh.. i don't have the heart to continue with the story anymore, just read it here:Kisah tragis dan mengerikan kembali menimpa Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) Indonesia di Timur Tengah. Kali ini, kasus yang menimpa srikandi devisa negara Indonesia itu terjadi di negeri "Ayat-Ayat Cinta", Mesir.
Kejadiannya sangat tragis: TKW tersebut diculik, disekap, dan....
Negeri "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih" Ternyata Tak Seindah Kisah "Ayat-Ayat Cinta"
i do hope malaysian girls take this issue seriously. some advices for your own security:
1. don't go out alone, especially at night. move in groups
2. avoid dark and deserted areas
3. if your are to travel at night, call for a musyrif. i'm pretty sure we have the system already. value it!
4. wear descent clothing that covers your aurah properly
5. and the most important: always pray to Allah for your safety whenever you leave the shelter of your home. remember, you might be escorted with a couple of strong musyrifs, with a dozen of your friends, in the middle of the day, with the most decent of clothings but if Allah doesn't protect you then you will be as vulnerable as a child in a strange neighborhood. but of course you have to take the safety measures 1st.
extra steps (optional):
1. be street smart: learn martial arts!
2. always bring with you some kind of weapon that still can get you pass the metal detector (you know what i mean) like a stunt gun or a pepper spray
3. buy yourself a loyal pet that will make any criminal think twice or even thrice before doing anything. but since guard dogs are not an option, maybe a tamed wolf, or a tiger can do the job (but this doesn't sound as practical too, just a thought though)
and like i said before: only Allah can truly protect you. you wouldn't know how many people will get to you, or what weapon they will use, or which way they will come, or at what time they will strike. take the safety measures and pray to Allah for His protection
may Allah protect us all from harm's way
Posted by the Red Dragon at 13:15 0 comments
Labels: isu semasa
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
[PENGUMUMAN] Dr Mehdat's reign of ire
beware 'truant players', your absence might cost your entrance to the exam!
i think Dr. Mehdat Anwar, our course instructor is going to be strict with absentees. though so far from what i heard only groups 7 and 8 got their absence checked everyday, even during lectures; don't be surprised after this all groups will need to get their absence (or is it presence?) checked. a warn has been issued: those with less than 75% presence (not sure if this includes lectures, ila and tbl, but most probably it does), you will not be allowed to take your exam.
you have been forewarned...
maybe some words of encouragement to get you started:
"Dan barang siapa menjalani satu jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, nescaya Allah mudahkan baginya jalan ke syurga..." (HR muslim)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 12:05 0 comments
Labels: pengumuman
[AKADEMIK] O&G: antenatal care
download today's lecture:
antenatal care
Posted by the Red Dragon at 11:49 0 comments
[KELAS] PCI: Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi
frowarded from alexmed
Assalaamualaikum WBT.Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi di bawah pimpinan Ustaz Salman Maskuri akan diteruskan seperti biasa pada minggu ini. Khas buat mahasiswa mahasiswi Iskandariah, anda sangat dialu-alukan untuk sama-sama hadir memenuhi ruangan majlis ilmu pada Jumaat ini bersamaan 23 APRIL 2010. Namun terdapat sedikit perubahan pada tempat. InsyaAllah kelas akan diadakan di MARKAZ UPI Sporting (Rumah Syairazi @ Duang).Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi kini dibuka kepada semua pelajar-pelajar yang berminat untuk terus istiqamah menuntut bersama Ustaz Salman. Oleh kerana ruang begitu terhad, pihak pengelola meminta perhatian sesiapa yang berminat untuk memberi nama untuk PENDAFTARAN. Kertas pendaftaran akan diedarkan dalam dewan kuliah masing-masing. Pendaftaran dibuka mulai sekarang, Percuma tanpa sebarang Yuran.Diharap sahabat-sahabat tidak terlepas peluang keemasan ini untuk terus melebarluaskan medan pengajian ilmu. Sama-sama kita mengambil ihtimam @ cakna semoga kita menjadi orang yang terpilih sebagai penuntut di Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi. Tidak lupa kepada para MENTOR Iskandariah, anda sangat-sangat diharapkan untuk turut serta mendaftar bersama Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi untuk menambah pengetahuan dan memantapkan kefahaman selaku pembimbing dan qudwah kepada para mentee.Antara objektif ditubuhkan Madrasah ar-Razi ialah:
- Memperkukuhkan ilmu pengetahuan pelajar tentang aqidah dan akhlak dalam islam
- Memperkemaskan disiplin ilmu agama bakal doktor supaya lebih berkembang luas, tersusun dan teratur sesuai dengan keperluan dalam bidang kedoktoran.
- Mempersiapkan diri dan jiwa ahli PCI umumnya dan para mentor khususnya.
- Melatih mahasiswa mahasiswi untuk bersedia ke arah menjadi pendakwah masa depan bagi menghadapi mehnah dan tribulasi yang lebih tercabar.
- Menyuburkan suasana ilmiah dan biah solehah dalam golongan bakal doktor serta memantapkan iklim dini (keagamaan) di bumi Iskandariah.
Semoga dengan kerjasama anda semua akan melancarkan lagi perjalanan Madrasah Cendekiawan ar-Razi ini.Daftarlah Segera!!Mohd Faez Bin Kadir @ Salleh,Ketua Unit Pembangunan Insan,PERUBATAN Caw. Iskandariah Sesi 2010/2011
Posted by the Red Dragon at 09:31 0 comments
forwarded from alexmed, posted by izyani, forwarded from perubatan_mesir
Persatuan Pelajar-pelajar Perubatan Malaysia Mesir
Taqwa, Syifa', Rahmah
Ilmuan Berbakti, Teguh Sehati
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
LIFELINE 4 GAZA BREAK THE SIEGELifeline 4 Gaza, atau Talian Hayat Untuk Gaza adalah satu usaha kerjasama di antara NGO-NGO di Malaysia untuk menyertai kempen antarabangsa bagi menembusi kepungan Israel terhadap Gaza. Lifeline 4 Gaza akan bergerak bersama Free Gaza Movement yang berpangkalan di Cyprus, IHH di Turki, MERC dan Kispa di Indonesia dan NGO-NGO lain dari USA, Greece, Perancis, Sweeden, Jerman, Itali, Venezuela dan lain-lain.
Konvoi tersebut dijangka akan berlepas dari Istanbul pada 15 Mei 2010, disertai 20 kapal dan bot kargo. Konvoi kemanusiaan terbesar di dunia ini akan membawa bantuan asas keperluan seperti bahan pembinaan hospital, bahan perubatan, peralatan sekolah dan bahan-bahan makanan. Mereka juga akan diiringi oleh tokoh-tokoh politik dan tokoh-tokoh kemanusiaan sedunia yang prihatin terhadap krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza.Kini, IHH dengan sokongan penuh kerajaan Turki dan NGO-NGO antarabangsa dari lebih 17 buah negara lain telah memulakan usaha untuk melaksanakan konvoi talian hayat Gaza yang ke-4 iaitu Lifeline4Gaza selepas kejayaan misi ke-3 konvoi Viva Palestina. Ia merupakan satu usaha besar-besaran yang akan merentasi Laut Mediterranean bermula dari Istanbul, Cyprus dan akhirnya terus ke Gaza mengikut jalan laut. Konvoi ini akan membawa lebih daripada 20 buah kapal dan bot.
Untuk itu, PERUBATAN mengambil peluang ini untuk menyeru seluruh warga PERUBATAN di seluruh Mesir untuk sama-sama turut serta dalam menyumbang dalam menyumbang untuk program ini. InsyaAllah, suatu jawatankuasa sedang dirangka khas untuk memikirkan bentuk-bentuk bantuan yang difikirkan sesuai oleh warga PERUBATAN di Mesir untuk program khusus ini.
Sebarang cadangan untuk menggerakkan jawatankuasa ini bolehlah dimajukan terus kepada pengarah projek ini iaitu:
Saudara Muhammad Khairul Razikin Bin Ramlan 010-0147317
Nantikan email seterusnya berkenaan bentuk sumbangan yang boleh disalurkan oleh semua warga PERUBATAN.
Jadilah warga yang prihatin akan ummahnya, siapa lagi yang boleh diharapkan untuk membantu saudara kita kalau bukan kita.
Ikuti perkembangan Lifeline 4 Gaza di laman web rasmi mereka dan di Facebook Fan Page.
"Alangkah hebatnya deen ini apabila memiliki PEMUDA/i yang BERJIWA BESAR..." (Ibn Qayyim)
"Last night's dreams are today's realities" (IHAB)At-Taqwa, As-Syifa', Ar- Rahmah
Ilmuan Berbakti, Teguh Sehati
and some extra info, from alexmed, posted by zainal
and even more info from perubatan_mesir, posted by hood sunnySedikit tambahan berkenaan Lifeline 4 Gaza ni, sbb saya perasan email sebelum ni tidak menyatakan link2 yang berkaitan dengannya, so saya sertakan di sini link2 tersebut untuk memudahkan sahabat2 sekalian, clik jgn tak click:Remember, this is an international level campaign to break the siege, so lets give our full support.For the Malaysian charter, the efforts are supported by, among others, the following NGOs:
- Coalition of Graduates of Higher Institutions of Malaysia (HALUAN)
- Malaysian Muslim Youth Movement (ABIM)
- Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
- Palestinian Center of Excellence (PACE)
- Aqsa Syarif
- Dewan Pemuda Masjid Malaysia (Dewan Pemuda)
- Pertubuhan Mawaddah Malaysia
- Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)
Palestine will be free!
Lifeline 4 Gaza | Break The Siege
Lifeline 4 Gaza, atau Talian Hayat Untuk Gaza adalah satu usaha kerjasama di antara NGO-NGO di Malaysia untuk menyertai kempen antarabangsa bagi menembusi kepungan Israel terhadap Gaza. Lifeline 4 Gaza akan bergerak bersama Free Gaza Movement yang berpangkalan di Cyprus, IHH di Turki, MERC dan Kispa di Indonesia dan NGO-NGO lain dari USA, Greece, Perancis, Sweeden, Jerman, Itali, Venezuela dan lain-lain.
Konvoi tersebut dijangka akan berlepas dari Istanbul pada 15 Mei 2010, disertai 20 kapal dan bot kargo. Konvoi kemanusiaan terbesar di dunia ini akan membawa bantuan asas keperluan seperti bahan pembinaan hospital, bahan perubatan, peralatan sekolah dan bahan-bahan makanan. Mereka juga akan diiringi oleh tokoh-tokoh politik dan tokoh-tokoh kemanusiaan sedunia yang prihatin terhadap krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza.
Rejim Zionis Israel telah membina Tembok Kematian di Gaza dan Tebing Barat, yang telah menjadikan Gaza sebagai penjara terbesar di dunia. Tembok yang setinggi 8-12 meter dan sepanjang 850 km itu menjadi senjata utama Rejim Zionis untuk “membunuh� penduduk Gaza serta mencengkam mereka secara perlahan-lahan. Tembok itu telah digunakan untuk menghalang kemasukan bahan-bahan keperluan asas kehidupan termasuk makanan, minyak, bahan perubatan dan lain-lain. Gaza tidak hanya menjadi penjara terbesar tetapi hak untuk hidup rakyat Gaza juga telah dinafikan. Zionis ganas ini telah menggunakan kekuatan lobi mereka untuk menyekat dan melaksanakan embargo ke atas Gaza dengan dokongan Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan kuasa-kuasa besar dunia.
Tidak cukup dengan embargo dan Tembok Kematian, pihak Zionis juga telah menyerang Gaza pada 27 Disember 2008 selama 23 hari. Serangan yang amat brutal itu telah menggunakan senjata-senjata terlarang seperti bom fosforus, peluru uranium dan lain-lain. Mereka telah menggugurkan lebih daripada 1.5 juta kilogram bom dari semua arah iaitu daratan, lautan dan udara.
Hampir keseluruhan infrastruktur utama bandar Gaza hancur. Banyak bangunan-bangunan penting seperti pusat pentadbiran kerajaan, hospital, universiti, masjid, gereja, sekolah, janakuasa elektrik, bekalan air bersih dan lain-lain telah hancur akibat serangan rejim Zionis tersebut yang jelas telah mensasarkan keperluan orang awam.
Misi Kini, IHH dengan sokongan penuh kerajaan Turki dan NGO-NGO antarabangsa dari lebih 17 buah negara lain telah memulakan usaha untuk melaksanakan konvoi talian hayat Gaza yang ke-4 iaitu Lifeline4Gaza selepas kejayaan misi ke-3 konvoi Viva Palestina. Ia merupakan satu usaha besar-besaran yang akan merentasi Laut Mediterranean bermula dari Istanbul, Cyprus dan akhirnya terus ke Gaza mengikut jalan laut. Konvoi ini akan membawa lebih daripada 20 buah kapal dan bot. Kempen ini akan diketuai oleh Perdana Menteri Turki sendiri, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Bantuan tersebut akan dibawa terus ke Gaza dengan menggunakan hubungan diplomatik kerajaan Turki yang memang mempunyai Perjanjian Keselamatan dengan rejim Israel semenjak peperangan dunia yang ke-2 lagi. Mengikut butiran perjanjian tersebut, Israel tidak boleh mengganggu kapal-kapal daripada Turki. Konvoi ini amat penting kerana sekiranya ia berjaya maka kapal-kapal tersebut akan digunakan untuk menghantar semua barangan keperluan Gaza dari semasa ke semasa. Ini bermakna sekatan embargo Israel ke atas Gaza akan terangkat walaupun Tembok Kematian Israel masih berdiri utuh. Lifeline 4 Gaza mensasarkan untuk mengutip RM 10 juta bagi membiayai pembelian kapal,kargo, dan barang keperluan yang akan disumbangkan kepada mangsa-mangsa keganasan Israel di Gaza.
Apa Tindakan Kita
1. Hulurkan sumbangan. Bantuan kewangan dan segala bentuk derma merupakan keutamaan ketika ini.
2. Sebarkan maklumat mengenai misi ini kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan di Malaysia. Dengan kemajuan teknologi hari ini, penyebaran maklumat menjadi perkara yang amat mudah.
Untuk mereka yang berada di Malaysia, sumbangan boleh disalurkan kepada mana-mana NGO yang bergabung di bawah Lifeline 4 Gaza, atau terus ke akaun bank Lifeline 4 Gaza:
Nombor akaun: 5-644-902-085- 28
Bank : Maybank Berhad
Diharapkan usaha seperti ini akan dapat melahirkan generasi Malaysia yang prihatin terhadap isu kemanusiaan, dan yang lebih penting dapat menginsafi nikmat kemerdekaan yang mereka kecapi selama ini.
Ikuti perkembangan Lifeline 4 Gaza di laman web rasmi mereka dan di Facebook Fan Page
more here
Posted by the Red Dragon at 09:16 0 comments
[PENGUMUMAN] daylight saving time (DST)
after some googlings, i concluded that the possible date for the daylight saving time (DST) start date is on the 1st of May. however, Note that the date might not be final - countries, territories and states sometimes make adjustments that are announced just days or weeks ahead of the change.
so just stay alert. other ways to confirm the date is by asking local people, read the newspaper, watch the news and regularly check the prayer times at the mosque.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 08:45 0 comments
Labels: daylight saving, pengumuman
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
[KELAS] PCI: Kelas Perbincangan Editing Video
forwarded from alexmed, posted by Yadiy
Kepada sahabat-sahabat mahasiswa/wi Iskandariah,
Kelab Cyber Brigade akan meneruskan aktiviti kelas perbincangannya.
Kali ini
Kelas Perbincangan Editing Video akan diadakan pada :
Tarikh: 21 April 2010 (Rabu)
Masa : 8 Malam
Tempat : Tingkat 3 Asrama MARAMuhammad Yadiy Bin Abdullah
Dijemput semua mahasiswa/wi ikhwah dan akhawat yang berminat untuk hadir memeriahkan dan mengambil manfaat daripada kelas perbincangan ini.
p/s : Kepada yang berminat untuk menyertai kelas perbincangan grafik, anda dinasihatkan untuk membawa laptop sendiri dan menginstall perisian ULEAD VIDEO PRO X3 dalam laptop anda.Namun ia bukan suatu kewajipan yang dimestikan.Ia hanya untuk memudahkan proses perbincangan dan aplikasi.
Sekian harap maklum, Wassalam.
Ketua Unit Penerbitan dan Penerangan
Posted by the Red Dragon at 09:32 0 comments
Monday, 19 April 2010
[VIDEO] who are the people of taqwa? by Nouman Ali Khan
masyaAllah great video. and how amazing it is to notice how true his words are, or more accurately: ALLAH's words. it was like He is talking to us directly. and I couldn't help realizing how He knows us more then even ourselves. o Allah, guide us to the straight path (the words in italic are brother nouman's words.
وَسَارِعُواْ إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالأَرْضُ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ
[3:133] Dan bersegeralah kamu kepada ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada surga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa,
English: And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden, the extensiveness of which is (as) the heavens and the earth, it is prepared for those who guard (against evil).
الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ فِي السَّرَّاء وَالضَّرَّاء وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظَ وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاسِ وَاللّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ
[3:134] (yaitu) orang-orang yang menafkahkan (hartanya), baik di waktu lapang maupun sempit, dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan mema'afkan (kesalahan) orang. Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan.
English: Those who spend (benevolently) in ease as well as in strain, and those who restrain (their)(swallow) anger and pardon men (with love); and Allah loves the doers of good (to others).
وَالَّذِينَ إِذَا فَعَلُواْ فَاحِشَةً أَوْ ظَلَمُواْ أَنْفُسَهُمْ ذَكَرُواْ اللّهَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُواْ لِذُنُوبِهِمْ وَمَن يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَلَمْ يُصِرُّواْ عَلَى مَا فَعَلُواْ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ
[3:135] Dan (juga) orang-orang yang apabila mengerjakan perbuatan keji atau menganiaya diri sendiri, mereka ingat akan Allah, lalu memohon ampun terhadap dosa-dosa mereka dan siapa lagi yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain dari pada Allah? Dan mereka tidak meneruskan perbuatan kejinya itu, sedang mereka mengetahui.
English: And those who when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their souls remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their faults -- and who forgives the faults but Allah, and (who) do not knowingly persist in what they have done.
( 'even if we disappoint Allah, even if we fall short of the standard He set for us, don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah')
أُوْلَـئِكَ جَزَآؤُهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّهِمْ وَجَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا وَنِعْمَ أَجْرُ الْعَامِلِينَ
[3:136] Mereka itu balasannya ialah ampunan dari Tuhan mereka dan surga yang di dalamnya mengalir sungai-sungai, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya; dan itulah sebaik-baik pahala orang-orang yang beramal.
English: (As for) these -- their reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and excellent is the reward of the laborers.
so in short, these are the characters of someone with taqwa (from these verses only):
1. spend (benevolently) in ease as well as in strain
2. restrain (their)(swallow) anger and pardon men (with love)
3. when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their souls remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their faults*
4. do not knowingly persist in what (the sins) they have done.
*its important to realize here that no one is free from sin but rasulullah s.a.w. but whats more important is that, do not forget to remember Allah, repent and try your best to not repeat your mistake
Posted by the Red Dragon at 22:03 0 comments
Labels: ceramah, nouman ali, video
Sunday, 18 April 2010
let's offer some prayers
jo's dad will be undergoing a coronary bypass surgery at HUKM Specialist Centre tomorrow (20/4). do pray for a smooth and uncomplicated surgery and recovery, it's the least we can do.
to Jo and family, stay strong and may Allah make it easy for you all.
“Sungguh ajaib dalam urusan orang mukmin! Sesungguhnya setiap urusannya baginya ada kebaikan dan perkara ini tidak berlaku melainkan kepada orang mukmin. Sekiranya dia diberi dengan sesuatu yang menggembirakan lalu dia bersyukur maka kebaikan baginya dan sekiranya apabila dia ditimpa kesusahan lalu dia bersabar maka kebaikan baginya.” - (Hadis riwayat Muslim)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 23:04 0 comments
[ARTIKEL] 9 Surprising Symptoms of Stress
this article is taken from Yahoo! HEALTH (the words in red are my own)
1. Tweaked Muscles
what to do: Take 5 to 10 deep breaths and focus on relaxing the tense area of your body, says Dr. Lombardo. For the neck, try gentle neck rolls or enlist your friend to give you a quick shoulder rub.
2. Eye Twitching
what to do: "Closing your eyes and visualizing your happiest place on earth will help." Also, avoid stress-related eye issues by giving your peepers a break now and then. "If your eyes get stressed from detailed work at the computer, 'stretch' them every 20 minutes by looking out the window at a larger landscape," suggests Mandel. "If you have no view, close your eyes and imagine a panorama."
3. Ragged Cuticles
what to do: If you take stress out on your hands, consider keeping a stress ball in your desk drawer-something you can squeeze or knead when on the phone with a difficult client, for instance. This helps "squeeze the stress out of your body," says Mandel. or maybe a hand grip?
4. Cavities
what to do: Mandel suggests redirecting your anxiety to pen and paper. "Set aside time to write down your problems to see them objectively in black and white, and then jot down some solutions," she says. But, she adds, "If teeth grinding is severe, see a dentist about getting a mouth guard."
5. Rashes
what to do: place your hand right above your belly button. "Every time you inhale, you want your hand to rise; with each exhale, it lowers. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths periodically throughout the day."
6. Nausea
what to do: Let tepid water run over your fingers; it's believed to keep nausea at bay.
7. Sleepiness
what to do: Go to bed earlier, says Mandel, or catch a 30-minute nap midday, and don't feel guilty about doing so. "There is great productivity in rest," she says. "You come back more focused!" wow, i hope that works :D
8. Forgetfulness
what to do: "Go for a walk, run up a flight of stairs or dance around to the newest Black Eyed Peas tune. (make sure the line's clear first! and why Black Eyed Peas? :-/)" Exercise, she adds, keeps your brain sharp and may even help you be more prepared for future stressful moments.
9. Confusion
what to do: To restore focus, take a walk, she says. "Move the stress out of your body by exercising large muscle groups like the legs. You will gain clarity. Walk out in the light and you'll reset your natural rhythm while you move out the stress. Sunlight helps the body release serotonin to improve mood, and vitamin D helps you improve your immune system-a great perk."
for further reading:
9 Surprising Symptoms of Stress
some last words of reminder:
"Sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya) dan memberi petunjuk ke jalan agamaNya, sesiapa yang rujuk kepadaNya, (iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah' ketahuilah dengan zikrullah itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia. orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, beroleh kebahagiaan yang amat menggembirakan dan tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya" (arRa'd:27-29)
regarding the verse, check this out: Maksud tenang dengan mengingati Allah
Posted by the Red Dragon at 11:59 0 comments
[PENGUMUMAN] the Red Eye 06 is up and running
the Red Eye 06
the unofficial galleries for the alex medical students class of '06
as promised the Red Eye 06 (another randomly picked name) is up and running.
however, there are still lots of improvement required, and i'm not that good with the site. but insyaAllah i will try my best to compile the pictures regarding events of our batch. if you have pictures that you want to share with us all, do email to merahsaga06[at]gmail[dot]com. thanks
these guys have contributed to the pictures, do visit their sites for more beautiful shots
Saya suka ambil gambar (pokyan)
The way I see it (Jo)
Neo Rantissi (zainal)
Fadzlul Hayat (Hayat)
also thanks to these photographers:
p/s: there are currently not that many pictures of girls that i have uploaded so far due to sensitive issues
Posted by the Red Dragon at 10:17 0 comments
Labels: pengumuman, photography
Saturday, 17 April 2010
[VIDEO] Naga Merah
our batch official song for KSPCI 2010 (the boys might not have won many medals, but i think its not an overstatement to say we have the best team spirit!)
Artist: Mock, Che Hilmi, Pona, Toi, Burn, Ijat, Mizi cina, Omar, Boi, Pit Kedah, Coot, Penkt.
Berjalan seiringan,
bersama berbarisan,
semangat kami membara,
bersinar merahku perkasa,
Berjuang berhabisan,
melakar kejayaan,
semangat kami membara
siapa kami tanya lagi kamilah,
Rumah merah gagah sakti perkasa,
rumah merah semangatnya membara,
rumah merah jangan dekat bahaya,
siapa kami, naga merah!
Bersama bergandingan,
melangkah penuh bergaya,
semangat kami membara,
siapa kami tanya lagi kamilah,
Rumah merah gagah sakti perkasa,
rumah merah semangatnya membara,
rumah merah jangan dekat bahaya,
siapa kami, naga merah! Auuummmm!!!
p/s: congrats Salehah for the silver in the long jump event. and good luck for those who are still in the game: 100m (nadiah norudin and noradilah), 200m (pai and raden & asza and norhadila), 400m (hayat & asza and nadiah norudin), long jump (hayat), 1500m (padel, yaser, we (don't know all the names))
Posted by the Red Dragon at 23:05 0 comments
Labels: KSPCI 2010, video
[CADANGAN] lets support our SR!
admit it, for moths we have been relying a lot on our SRs, from schedules to lectures uploads. but do we really are aware of the sacrifices they've made? the phone calls, the time spent uploading those notes, the viruses they extracted from the universities' computer etc i think its time for us to show some appreciation more than just words and pat on the back. lets contribute, be it helping with their load like managing the downloading site, help with the photocopying of notes and maybe even treat them to lunch. lets show our token of gratitude to them!:
shafora bibi
group B:
din kedah
afifah said
and also for the future SRs
jazakumullahukahir and keep up the good work! may Allah bless you all
Posted by the Red Dragon at 22:52 0 comments
Labels: cadangan
[PENGUNGUMAN] new topics added
i think we need more topics to improvise this blog:
1. [CADANGAN] any suggestions to improve our batch, or programs that will help strengthen our relationship eg; reunion etc
2. [VIDEO] good videos that worth sharing
coming to Merah Saga:
the Red Eye
Posted by the Red Dragon at 22:37 0 comments
Labels: pengumuman
Friday, 16 April 2010
[KELAS] Kelas tasfir alQuran in English at CIMS centre & kelas tajwid & hafazan alQuran
1. Kelas tafsir alQuran at CIMS (conveying Islamic Message Society) centre
day: every Saturday
time: after Isya' prayer, usually 10-20 minutes after. sometimes half an hour or even more. so bring your mushaf or any books to kill the time while wait.
place: CIMS centre at Camp Shezar, at the area around nurul Islam
conveyed by syekh Ibrahim, an alexandrian (egypt) who speaks perfect English. he is one of the many syekhs that give talks on the famous islamic tv show The Deen Show. you can visit their official website: The Deen Show and their blog: The Deen Show Blog. all muslims and muslimahs are invited. there are people of various ethnics attending this class apart from the malays. here's a roughly drawn map that i hope will help you find the placeand here's a link to CIMS official website: Conveying Islamic Message Society
2. Kelas tajwid & hafazan
to those who are interested in improving reading the mushaf and at the same time memorizing it, there's a syekh at Ibnu Taimiyah Mosque (gamaah/camp shezar) that is willing to teach any malaysians for free (ikhwah only). his name is syekh mahmud. he is available every Wednesday after fajr prayer.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 20:30 0 comments
[EVENT] Tug of War
the silver medalists and their loyal supporters. more pictures and story (boys' only)without word, go to Saya suka ambil gambar
CONGRATS boys for your 1st silver (another gold lost to rumah hijau T.T) and girls for another silver
though another chance for gold lost, but it's better than nothing. good job guys (and girls)!
Posted by the Red Dragon at 14:37 0 comments
Labels: event, KSPCI 2010
[AKADEMIK]PEDIATRIC:downloads,new groups,schedule;O&G:new groups,schedule,meeting;ELECTIVE
bone growth
ricket case
you can download the rest from the previous pediatric group here: pediatric group A
2. new groups
from alexmed (unimportant info not included)
3. schedule & lectureni list group baru utk round baru ped:98-116 : gr 1117-133 : gr 2134-151 : gr 3 tahniah utk dua2 mai152-169 : gr 4170-186 : gr 5187-201 : gr 6hope u guys will enjoy our new posting in paed!!!p/s: bg kwn2 yg ngadu group kt obgyn tak brape best..kita same2 doakan korg dpt doc yg best la kali ni k??insyaAllah..Btw, nti 28,29,30 april ni ade scientific conference utk Obgyn. even kite dah kt ped but utk sesiapa yg nk join, boleh bagi nama pada sy or din. Sebab kalau nak , Dr. El-Sayed El-Badawy akan buat registration utk kita and insyaAllah dpt Sijil (tu yg doc ckp).
sebarang pertanyaan or komen boleh contact sy yup!!!Noor Afifah Binti Said4th Year Faculty of MedicineAlexandria University+2011 3323594

1. new groups
check the names in alexmed, posted by shafora
-group 1: 1-14
-group 2: 15-28
-group 3: 29-41
-group 4: 42-55
-group 5: 56-69
-group 6: 70-82
-group 7: 83->93 + 202, 208, 212
-group 8: 94->97+203->207+209->211
2. schedule
3. meeting
from shafora from alexmed
esok kite diminta untuk berkumpul di library ground floor kat hospital syatbi pada pukul 8.30 pagi...
4. extra
from erfan from alexmed
Dr. Hesham, salah satu doktor di seksyen berkenaan, meminta pelajar2 barunya membaca bab Vaginitis sebagai persediaan utk kelas esok, hari Sabtu, 17.4.2010. (tidak diketahui persediaan itu utk kelas TBL ataupun pusingan klinikal. Secara logiknya, mungkin TBL)
Terima kasih dan maaf atas kelewatan perkhabaran ini.
from shafora from alexmed
Handwriting Elective subject will starting this week on Monday(19/4/10) from 4-6 p.m.
Hospital Management Elective subject will start next week on Saturday(24/4/10) from 6-8 p.m.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
[EVENT] KSPCI 2010: girl's futsal
congrats for the double medals (2nd and 3rd)!
more stories read their blogs:
Daily dose of a princess
Life is like an ABC
good job and keep it up!
Posted by the Red Dragon at 20:29 0 comments
Labels: event, futsal, KSPCI 2010
[AKADEMIK] regarding Foreigner Club
here's a couple of posts about the Foreigner Club, from forum PCI (the words in red are my own):
1st post
Sekadar memberitahu bawah Foreigner Club akan berada di Moussat seperti berikut:
Tarikh: 13hb April 2010
Masa: 10.30 a.m.
Tempat: Tingkat 6 Bangunan Moussat (Tempat Admin's Office)
Jadi, Bagi sesiapa yang mahu membayar duit ahli annually sebanyak LE60; boleh berbuat demikian pada hari esok.
Bagi mereka yang still meragui perihal Kelab ini, UNIT AKADEMIK ada sedikit maklumat untuk berkongsi.
1. Foreigner Club adalah satu badan di bawah Kerajaan Mesir untuk mengutip duit keahlian bagi setiap pelajar luar negara yang menuntut di Mesir.
2. Kelab ini meluluskan Universiti untuk mengeluarkan Degree Certificate untuk International students (foreigner students); jadi, kalau tanpa membayar duit keahlian, sijil tidak akan dikeluarkan oleh universiti sehingga duit keahlian dilunaskan. (HUH? that feels like dejavu (remember ICDL?))
So, briefly, just before our graduation, kita kena jelaskan LE60 untuk setiap tahun pengajaran (LE60 X 6 tahun = LE360) untuk mendapatkan Sijil Ijazah. Insha Allah.
Perihal manfaat lain kelab ini, tidak dapat Unit kami ketahui, Insha Allah akan saya telusi dari masa ke semasa. Insha Allah.
2nd post
Di sini Unit ada sedikit maklumat berkenaan FOREIGNER CLUB setelah sesi soal jawab Ketua Unit dengan Pihak FOREIGNER CLUB. Antara perkara yang telah diperincikan termasuklah perkara berikut.may Allah make it easy for the academic unit as well as us all...
Q: Since when this club has been established?
A: Well, it was recognized since eighteenth.
Q: If it was been so long, why it is just now that this club has been revealed to us. And I heard that we are the only university that need to follow this. Why? And our seniors don't even know about this. Even, they've grad without paying anything for this club.
A: It is just now that the Ministry has reinforced the law to obligate this club to all foreigner. It is Ministry of Egypt's decision. Perhaps, the other university in Egypt, they are not following the rules. But again, Cairo university pays.
Q: How then the club going to use our money? Is it for our benefits or?
A: It'll be used for the activities. If you take part or not; still your money going to be used for any activities.
Q: What are the objectives then?
A: We are trying our best to keep all the foreigner students to stay and study in Egypt with comfort, leisure and joy. (yeah, good luck on that)
Q: What are the activities that the Club had did?
A: We did lots throughout the years. It includes Arts, Social, Cultural & Sports activities. We conducted vacations to places here around Egypt. Not to miss that every year, we will organize an honored ceremony for the fore-graduee for that particular year in Cairo. They will meet the Ministry of Egypt there.
Q: Emm.. Roughly, how many activities will be conducted per year? Can I say it will be more than 4 activities per year.
A: Surely, we did more than that. (i'm pretty sure the certificate wont cost even one tenth of the fee. but activities? dude, we already have a handful now, just activities don't sound as appealing anymore. sorry)
Q: How are we gonna be sure that we will be included in those activities?
A: Here, we got the form in which you'll be filling upon your registration. It includes the photo and your phone number. Then, we'll make the member card and we'll call you personally for participating any of activities organized. (rea-a-a-a-aly? (in Jim Carey's the pet detective manner). sorry, but couldn't help feeling dubious there)
Q: Well, It’s beneficial indeed. But than, if there's some people that still fails to pay the fees. What will they face then?
A: Their graduation certificate will be simply suspended till they pay the fees.
Q: Why does this fee is not included in the 8000usd per annum that we've paid to the university?
A: Because the 8000usd goes to your university. But this, specifically will be taken by the Ministry for the activity.
Q: I'm sorry, but it's still unreasonable for my seniors to pay for their past years. Let say they are in 4th year; does that mean they’re going to pay for their last 3 years without any privileges from the club?
A: Make it start from this year. Pay the fee LE60 annually starting this year. And please keep the receipt to show that you've paid unless you going to pay twice. hehe
Q: Insha Allah. First, I'm sorry to cause you lots of trouble but we Malaysians used to keep anything official on papers. So, is there by any means, could I get the Formal Letter from the Ministry written in English. Together, it shall be better to include the Club's Objectives, Organization, Activities and last but not least your email to contact.
A: Insha Allah, I'll make it up to you by this Tuesday. By then, I like to inform that we (Foreigner Club) gonna be here (6th Floor) for every Tuesday for the payment of the fees. Don't forget to bring along your photo (only for the form) and LE60 for that.
(can we just pay for the certificate only? i will pass the activities)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 12:25 0 comments
Labels: akademik
to those who still feel like going even though its late already. forwarded from alexmed:
KELAS BEYOND THE LENSp/s: if i'm not mistaken, the 'jurugambar PCI yang tidak boleh dinafikan lagi bakatnya di dalam seni pengambaran' is actually mohammad izyan aka pokyan, rumah merah official photographer (he is? hehe). nice
(kelas fotografi)
Hari : Rabu (14 Januari 2010)
Tempat : Tingkat 3 Asrama Mara
Jam : 8.00 malam (kelas akan dimulakan selepas isyak)
p/s : Semua mahasiswa/si Iskandariah dijemput hadir bagi memeriahkan kelas yang akan diajarkan oleh jurugambar PCI yang tidak boleh dinafikan lagi bakatnya di dalam seni pengambaran. Kelas ini tidak terhad kepada sesiapa yang hanya mempunyai DSLR sahaja tetapi semua yang berminat boleh meyertainya. Segala teknik yang akan diajar boleh digunakan pakai untuk semua jenis kamera. (termasuk kamera digital dsbnya.)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 11:30 0 comments
Labels: kelas, photography