the message:
Muhammad: assalamu'alaikum wbt. kpd sesiapa yg masih berminat utk membeli kurma elJawharah, masih ada stok terhad di rumah ana sekrg: kurma coklat 500g (LE 13.50 per kotak), kurma badam 500g (LE 13.50 per kotak), kurma badam eksklusif (24 biji, packaging cantik) (LE 14.00 per kotak) dan kurma biasa 500g (LE 7.00 per kotak). sampel ada di rumah ana blh rasa sendiri. special offer: home delivery dan beli 10 kotak (any combination) percuma 1 kotak kurma biasa 500g. blh juga buat dedication utk adik2/sahabat2 yg tgh exam (okay, this was initially a joke, but since it's home delivery anyway, why not? i won't charge a piece of paper with nice words on it, just email me/send me the message with the recepient's address and i will send the gift to his/her door...(more coming)the pictures (click to enlarge)
Muhammad: (continued from before) and i don't mind getting a bit busy during the 2 elective weeks, though if anyone care to help, you will not find me ungrateful ). blh bgtau kawan2 yg lain. tp ingat: siapa cepat dia dpt! stok terhad! rabbuna yusahhil dan bittaufiq wannajah kpd mereka yg exam esok dan juga exam2 yg akan dtg. sama2 kita doakan kejayaan semua
*camera credits to Aswad
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