Tuesday 4 May 2010

[EVENT] KSPCI 2010: The End

finally KSPCI 2010 comes to an end (yeah, i know it is already 4 days, but i just couldn't find the time to update). congratulations to all who have participated in the event, be it athletes, supporters or mascot makers. though we didn't really win that many medals (comparatively), what's more important is that i hope we have started to taste the beauty of ukhwah in some ways.

i have uploaded some pictures of the final day at the Red Eye 06, taken from Jo's and Pokyan's blogs. thanks for the photos, guys.

last but not least, a hadith that i hope can motivate us all to be physically and spiritually fit insyaAllah

Mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada mukmin yang lemah dan keduanya memiliki kebaikan. Bersegeralah terhadap apa yang bermanfaat bagimu dan mohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah serta janganlah merasa lemah. Jika sesuatu menimpamu, maka janganlah engkau mengatakan, ‘ seandainya aku melakukannya, niscaya akan begini dan begitu.’ Tapi katakanlah,’Ini adalah ketentuan dari-Nya, Dia melakukan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.’ Karena sesungguhnya kata ‘seandainya’ membuka (pintu) tipu daya syaitan.” (HR. Muslim)