Monday 27 September 2010

Jazakumullahukhair (2009/2010)

1st of all i would like to thank the AJKs of PCI 2009/2010 especially those in the 'red circles'

the tireless AJKs of PCI 2009/2010 (tidak lupa juga para penasihat yg xde dlm gambar)

our selfless SRs of 2009/2010:

Syairazi at his coolest pose i've ever seen ^.^

a very heart-warming picture of Fakhruddin the SR :)

and no, i didn't forget Shafora Bibi and Afifah(bt Said); the sisters' representatives (out of fear of sensitive issues that may arise if i put their pictures, i hope mentioning their names here is enough)

the AJKs of the Night of the Future

the AJKs of the Night of Reflection
(note: couldn't find the picture of all of the AJKs but here there is the Mr. Pengarah, Jo on that meaningful night)

those who were involved in the 'Iftar Rush' Night of Increasing Amal & Taqwa (NIAT) a couple of days after the final exam

and especially those who represented us the batch of '06 during KSPCI 2010 and of course the supporters too!
That time when we came together,

supporting each other,

cheering every competitor,

who tried their best to prove how great we are, the 4th year!

it was because of all of you I was born (not literally)
(gambar hiasan)

May Allah bless you all
may the next semester be better than the last, brings brighter hope than before and makes us all closer as brothers and sisters in Islam

p/s: i wonder why all of our batch's programs were held at night? one may ask: "are all red dragons nocturnal?" lol