Monday, 26 July 2010

[VIDEO] Insha Allah

a motivating song to keep you all going insha Allah

Insha Allah by Maher Zain

my personal favourite part:
'Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray'

insha Allah we can do this! (the coming exam)

and don't forget to pray for others too

Doa seorang muslim untuk saudaranya yang dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan orang yang didoakannya adalah doa yang akan dikabulkan. Pada kepalanya ada seorang malaikat yang menjadi wakil baginya, setiap kali dia berdoa untuk saudaranya dengan sebuah kebaikan, maka malaikat tersebut berkata ‘aamiin dan engkaupun mendapatkan apa yang ia dapatkan‘” (Shahih Muslim no. 2733)

rabbuna yusahhilna

[AKADEMIK] Download and Note Sharing: Pediatric: infectious diseases

from alexmed

salam wbt

ni ada nota sket..harap boleh membantu

tp tak lengkap sgt..bab ERUPTION xde..boleh la tambah sendiri

ok..selamat maju jaya buat semua


Attachment(s) from Mohd Fakhruddin

2 of 2 File(s)

from 4shared:

also don't forget, you can download the rest of the notes by our friends here:
Note Sharing

and also the lectures that you might miss:

may Allah reward them
best of luck in exam

Thursday, 22 July 2010

[PROGRAM] bola ikhwah: Final

from YM

offline msg:
mohd hafidzudin abd razak: Assalamualaikum wbt.Malam ni final bola 4th year!Fixture of the season!9 malam,tempat di Kuliah Tigaroh bertentangan bangunan Pediatrics / Bibliotheca!Sila bawa KERNIH n duit byk cket sbb kita main 3 JAM,satu jam = 50 Genih.TQ.Btau kat sume 4th year SHJ!hehe

status Im:
diingatka n sekali lagi bwk KERNIH mlm ni..xle msk jgn slhkn aku..hehe pastu turun awalr ek..sbbb4 kte xde orgpun..kosong..

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

[PENGUMUMAN] regarding gambar

from alexmed


Mr.Mahmud kate kite kena antar satu keping gambar lagi kt dia selewat2nya esok..

So,leh kumpul ikut rumah n pass kat kawan2 yang exam OSCE trop med esok supaya diorang leh antar kat Mr Mahmud kat tingkat bawah..

minta kerjasama dari sume ye...

rabbana yusahhilna.. ..

Monday, 19 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] regarding OSCEs

regarding tropical med OSCEs

info from prof Fatma :

wednesday ;
students 1-20 at 9.00 am
students 21-48 at 11.00am

thursday :
student 49-69 at 9.00 am
students selebihnyee at 11.00 am

place : female ward

gud luck!!
doakan kejayaan bersama..

regarding ortho OSCE
past 3 days questions that i know of:

1. wrist drop
2. erb's palsy
3. club foot
4. genu varum

soalan2 dia senang/susah bergantung pd doktor yg tanya. ada yg senang je, just suruh diagnos then bgtau cause. ada yg tanya psl scientific term, atau apa nama deformity tu, xde kena cek apa2, xde kena wat examination apa2, xde tanya pasal anat. tp ade gak group kena tanya macam2, psl anatomy skit2, kalau yg libatkan nerve tu siap tanya apa root dia etc. so, to play safe just baca je semua yg berkaitan. kalau tak keluar, anggap la study utk final nnti.

at 1st wanted to post this in alexmed, but since there's the chance of it being late to be approved, so i will just post it here. feel free to forward this at alexmed
don't forget to pray for others too and may Allah make this easy for us all

Friday, 16 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] regarding OSCEs

regarding OSCE ortho


OSCE exam tomorrow insyallah will begin at

9 a.m at Nariman Hospital..

students need to gather at the main hall before 9 a.m.

Dr Rafat said x-ray will not be included in the exam tomorrow..

p/s:::please bring your exam card/ID card together with you...

bittaufiq wannajah...

regarding OSCE tropical med
Ada sikit makluman untuk OSCE TropicalMed sem 8 2010.
Sekadar ulangan kepada sahabat2 yang memerlukan.
1. Ada 3 station (3 patient shj)

a. contoh-contoh soalan :
inspect the abdomen. palpate the liver. palpate the spleen. dsb.

b. soalan-soalan berbentuk direct dan specific,

tiada soalan seperti examine the liver [ = inspect+palpate+ percuss+ausculta te sekaligus ].

c. buat seperti OSCE InternalMed dulu tu:
greet patient, introduce, consent for examing,
do the question, COVER up patient afterwards, thank patient,
go to the assessor, report findings, answer prof's question.

d. each station is worth 10 marks.
2. Contoh-contoh soalan post-exam dengan assessor

a. causes of portal hypertension
[ pre-hepatic, hepatic (presinusoidal, sinusoidal, post-sinusoidal) , posthepatic]

b. complications of portal hypertension
[ splenomegaly, ascites, collaterals, etc ]

c. massive splenomegaly : causes, definition, etc...
d. treatment of sekian sekian
e. manifestations of sekian sekian
f. interpretation of findings sekian sekian
g. how to examine sekian sekian
h. why you choose to examine by this method instead of that

(the works la... macam biasa...)
3. Special circumstances for THIS osce

a. questions are made by Dr Sahar (female doctor waktu ILA tu) tapi
she will not be present at the time of our OSCE (travelling) .
instead Doctor Magdy Khilal akan ada (kalau tak silap).

b. regarding soalan PERCUSS the abdomen, assess wether it's mild or moderate.
MODERATE : shifting dullness
MILD : modified shifting dullness
PENTING : percuss at the DOME of the distension (regardless of supraumbilicus, infraumbilicus)

c. in patient suffering from tense ascites (maximum kebesaran la ni),
immediately do transmitted thrill. [ SKIP the shifting dullness]

d. regarding soalan PALPATE liver, tricky-ness #1:
- Some prof mahu the upper border sekali (which is a PERCUSSION finding)
(eg: the male assistant prof yang jaga midterm GroupB prefers this)
- But some tak mahu (because in OSCE, we must do what the question only asks of,
if we go "astray" marks are reduced).
(eg: Dr Sahar prefers this - but she wont be there that day, so... ? )
- Pandai-pandai la tafsir your assessor (try asking beforehand ke...). Rabbuna yusahhil

d. regarding soalan PALPATE liver, tricky-ness #2:
- read the question carefully
- maybe it will be super-specific, eg: "palpate RIGHT LOBE of liver".
- jangan la ter-palpate LEFT LOBE.
- remember which is our right and which is left.

e. regarding palpation, for any abdominal organ in patient suffering from tense ascites :
do dipping method immediately. [ skip the manual palpation, hooking... ]

f. reminder : inspect the abdomen question:
- must mention that "we should actually expose the area of ext genitalia,
but considering the dignity of the patient, it is not suitable to do so at this time"
- or any similiar sentence la.

g. reminder : dont forget superficial palpation at any "palpate" station.

h. time limit per station : unknown, but tak lama la.
- Dr Sahar tak tahu (masa ditentukan oleh the lovely Dr Fatma)
- avoid carelessness because maybe we won't have enough time to re-do our procedure.
- nasihat Dr Sahar : budget for 2 minutes tops

i. refer any InternalMed clinical textbook as a guide, and read a lot about:
- hepatomegaly
- splenomegaly
- portal hypertension
- jaundice
- liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy
- ascites and its complications

4. Berdoa pada Allah and bertawakal padaNya sejak dari permulaan usaha kita. After exam, continue our tawakal.

5. All the best to everyone. Sampaikan makluman ni pada kawan-kawan yang tak tahu, tak check email, tak perasan email, takde internet, dll.

Wassalam warahmatullah.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] schedule for tropical OSCE

to download

Attachment(s) from Mohd Fakhruddin

1 of 1 File(s)

OSCE schedule.doc

or just read here

OSCE schedule : Tropical






















Saturday: starts at 8am

Sunday : starts at 10am

P/s : waktu untuk exam osce tropical med group A

tak tahu lagi..nanti masa group B exam..

insyaAllah kami tanya semula..

Monday, 12 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] notes sharing: O&G

from fakhruddin fauzi

3 of 3 File(s)

from notes sharing:

1st stage.docx

[AKADEMIK] notes sharing: several tropical medicine notes

credits tp afifah

Attachment(s) from af s

5 of 5 File(s)


from notes sharing:

Giardia & Amoeba.docx
toxo in pregnancy.docx

[AKADEMIK] regarding OSCE ortho

from alexmed, posted by syai

Dr Rafaat ckp " for OSCE examination, u must revise orthopedic as a whole..but more concern about clinical part...revise all including lec , becoz in OSCE, u will be asked including teori parts.."

osce sama ade "5 spots" @ "2 spots with 2 examiner for each"...according to the cases available at that time..kalu ade byk case dia buat la 5 spot, tp kalu sket je case dia buat 2 je spot tp dgn 2 org prof setiap satu yang akan soal..

Dr Rafaat say "it will be easy"...sambil tersenyum..

gud luck!!..
doakan kejayaan bersama....

Sunday, 11 July 2010

[AKADEMIK]Schedule for Tropical Med and Ortho OSCE

from alexmed

















[PENGUMUMAN] pasport, visa dan gambar

from alexmed

kawan2 sume diwajibkan menghantar:

~sehelai salinan muka depan passport
~sehelai salinan visa
~sekeping gambar

selewat-lewatnya hari Khamis ni...akhawat kepada saya dan ikhwah kepada Syairazi...

[AKADEMIK] O&G: vaginal discharge and contraception

from alexmed, posted by syai

ni ade 2 ppt dari clinical round group 3..

vaginal discharge
http://www.mediafir mw

http://www.mediafir 3t

[AKADEMIK] Notes Sharing: Contraceptive

O&G notes by Anas

2 of 2 File(s)

at 4shared:



Saturday, 10 July 2010

[AKADEMIK]Note Sharing: Clinical Picture of Leishmania

by Pokjek and friends


Thursday, 8 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] ortho reattend clinical round

from alexmed, by shafora


insyallah the listed students previously need to reattend the orthopedic clinical round starting from this Saturday(10 July 2010) from 9a.m-1p.m.

You all don't need to replace all the days that u were absent,but only to replace the days until reach the required 75%.

all the best...syukran. .

[PENGUMUMAN] bola sepak ikhwah

from Im, via YM

Beach_Boyz ~~~: bola malam ni kol 9-12,bukan pagi esk..ape yg din ckp tu bola pada malam ini menggantikan bola yg pagi esok yg slalu kita main pada waktu pagi..paham?hehe so,bola malam ni..bukan pagi esok..sekian terima kasih..

[AKADEMIK] end of 2nd term exam schedule

press ctrl+a to see the schedule

4th year (2009-2010)

End of second term exam







Obstetrics, Gynecology








Tropical medicine






Wednesday, 7 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] Note Sharing: Common Intestinal Helmiths

Attachment(s) from Nurul Nazihah

2 of 2 File(s)

Common Human Intestinal Helminths.doc
Common Human Intestinal Helminths.docx

Monday, 5 July 2010

[PENGUMUMAN] Berkenaan Bank Draft

from alexmed, posted by din kawen

Assalamualaikum wbt. Bittaufiq wan najah fil imtihan bagi semua yg sedang menghadapi peperiksaan.

Sedikit makluman dan peringatan berhubung proses menunaikan cek BIMB yg telah diterima oleh semua. InsyaAllah ringkas sahaja tetapi amat penting dan wajib diketahui dan dilaksanakan oleh pemegang akaun ABC :

1) Di Mesir, cek tersebut hanya sah utk ditunaikan di akaun bank ABC shj. Shbt2 mungkin mempunyai akaun bank2 lain disini seperti National Bank of Egypt, CIB or HSBC namun cek tersebut seperti yg telah dipersetujui oleh pihak BIMB dan ABC hanya sah ditunaikan di ABC.

2) Di Malaysia nnt sekiranya shbt2 ingin tunaikan cek disana. Satu-satunya cawangan BIMB yg boleh menjalankan proses tunai cek tersebut adalah Bank Islam Cawangan Medan MARA. Jadi anda wajib pergi kesana dan menurut kata Pengurus BIMB yg datang td iaitu Tn Hj Taib beliau akan mengusahakan agar dibuka satu kaunter khas utk proses tunai cek kita apabila kita pulang nnt. Apa yg diperlukan adalah Kad Pengenalan shj.

3) Sebahagian daripada kita telah pun pergi ke ABC sebaik shj menerima cek td dan saya difahamkan bahawa sebahagian mereka terpaksa bank-in cek tersebut ke dalam akaun USD setelah diarahkan oleh pegawai bank (pulak daa). Tiada masalah, kalau itu kata mereka maka ikutkan shj dan nanti sila amik duit elaun anda daripada akaun USD. Sekumpulan yg lain pula telah berjumpa dengan manager ABC dan boleh bank in ke dalam akaun Genih. Dua-dua pon boleh tapi lebih baik akaun Genih.

4) Terima kasih daun keladi kepada semua yg memberikan kerjasama tadi. Kepada sesiapa yg meminjamkan Stapler anda berwarna biru dan hitam dan juga beberapa batang pen dan masih belum menuntut barang2 tersebut, barang2 anda selamat di tangan Ustaz Ishak di Pejabat MARA dan anda boleh menuntut barang2 anda bila2 masa.

5) Jangan lupa! Pastikan Bank-in Slip anda dihantar kepada Pejabat MARA setelah selesai urusan anda di ABC. Sila tulis di sebelah atas Bank-in Slip tersebut samada USD ataupun EGYPTIAN POUNDS bergantung kepada akaun yg telah anda tunaikan cek ke dalamnya. Jangan lupa!

Sekian terima kasih. Selamat maju jaya. Selamat tunaikan cek.

Ketua Unit Kebajikan PCI
another thing, by Zainal
Sekadar peringatan terutamanya yang tak dapat hadir masa perjumpaan tadi. Selepas bank in bank draft korang di ABC Bank, korang akan dapat slip warna pink dari pihak bank. Sila tulis dekat slip tu kat bahagian atas as short note, ke mana draft berkenaan dimasukkan, sama ada akaun EGP or USD, kemudian pastikan slip tu dihantar kepada Ust. Isahak, jangan tangguh2 nanti lupa, MARA nak slip tu. Harap semua orang boleh beri kerjasama.

All the best buat yang tgh exam dan bakal exam, Rabbuna yusahhil wa yunajjih insyaAllah.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] jadual exam final

from between the lines

FINAL EXAM FOURTH YEAR (31.7.10 – 10.8.10)



31.7.10 (Saturday)

Obstetric & Gynaecology

3.8.10 (Tuesday)


7.8.10 (Saturday)

Tropical Medicine

10.8.10 (Tuesday)



Summer Holidays start

[PENGUMUMAN] perjumpaan dengan Pegawai Bank

from alexmed, posted by Rahim

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Perhatian kepada semua pelajar batch 2006/2012(termasuk yang mengulang tahun), satu perjumpaan ringkas dengan pegawai Bank Islam akan diadakan bertujuan untuk menyampaikan sedikit taklimat mengenai pengurusan biasiswa kita dan juga penyerahan bank draf untuk biasiswa bulan Julai. Jadi setiap orang wajib hadir untuk mengambil bank draf masing-masing. Tidak boleh wakilkan orang supaya tidak timbul masalah. Butir-butir pertemuan seperti berikut:

Tarikh : 5/4/2010(Isnin)
Masa : 3.00 p.m
Tempat : Tingkat 3 Asrama MARA

[PENGUMUMAN] perjumpaan dengan Pegawai Bank

from alexmed, posted by Rahim

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Perhatian kepada semua pelajar batch 2006/2012(termasuk yang mengulang tahun), satu perjumpaan ringkas dengan pegawai Bank Islam akan diadakan bertujuan untuk menyampaikan sedikit taklimat mengenai pengurusan biasiswa kita dan juga penyerahan bank draf untuk biasiswa bulan Julai. Jadi setiap orang wajib hadir untuk mengambil bank draf masing-masing. Tidak boleh wakilkan orang supaya tidak timbul masalah. Butir-butir pertemuan seperti berikut:

Tarikh : 5/4/2010(Isnin)
Masa : 3.00 p.m
Tempat : Tingkat 3 Asrama MARA

[AKADEMIK] electives download

Attachment(s) from maro azwan

2 of 2 File(s)


joint pain management
http://www.mediafir 524e009338175294 7f7ec40ada4772a6 54b48737bb09d3d3 515d15c8b368bfbe

regional pain
back pain
http://www.mediafir lg#1

foot ankle
http://www.mediafir jy

Attachment(s) from maro azwan

1 of 1 File(s)

Saturday, 3 July 2010

[AKADEMIK] Electives

from alexmed, posted by syai (for those who don't know yet)

insyaAllah class will be at 9a.m. for all elective courses...

clinical pharmacology will be held at CC, saturday 3/7/10, class 2 (kt bawah tu)

advanced imaging (all 3 classes) at 1st floor bangunan surgery..then kena tanye secretary..

joint, regional pain, exercise at physical medicine department (depan bngunan tropical medicine - bngunan kecik warna merah)

genetic & neonatal care at shatby..

pulmonary - kt tropical medicine bhgian llk

*kena cari secretary , insyaAllah nnti dia bwk g mn2...
*blh je tanye dak2 group lps...diorg lagi tau...

Thursday, 1 July 2010

[PROGRAM] futsal mingguan (ikhwah)

from Imran, via YM

Beach_Boyz ~~~: esok bola 8pagi kat tempat baru..syatbi..shari' port said menghadap stesen minyak "misr"..tpt baru,pengalaman baru..mampukah anda melakukannya?
message received on 7/1/2010 at 7:25 PM

[ARTIKEL] Surviving Housemanship

from alexmed, posted by Muhammad

found this interesting post in my sister's blog and decided that it is too good not to share.
do visit her blog (but since she is a doctor, and a busy one at it, she rarely keeps it updated): stethoscoped

Surviving Housemanship

I remember the feeling of apprehension on the first day of housemanship, or internship as they call it in Ireland, where I first trained. When I was a medical student, almost finishing up my final year, I could not wait to graduate. It was not so much of impatience to start working, it was more of the thought of finally free from exams!

However, on day one of life as an intern, as I walked into the hospital where I was about to be part of, what came to my mind was "Am I ready to practise in the real world? What if I can't remember what I learn? What if the specialists hate me? " It's probably normal to feel that way no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that we are now ready to become doctors! ( I am sure the patients would fear more knowing new interns are coming in )

Looking back, the apprehension never really dies as each day passed by, but it became less each day as confidence grew. My 6 months in the county hospital was wonderfully challenging and... to put it simply, educating. And to me that is what housemanship/ internship should all be about.

I learned a lot as an intern, not just in treating patients, in managing cases and in becoming a good doctor.I also learned good interpersonal and communication skills... with colleagues and patients alike. I lovingly recall the wonderful people I worked with, the helpful nurses and ward clerks, my registrars and senior house officers that keep encouraging us and teaching us new things all the time, and of course the specialists, the bosses that despite their vast knowledge and experience still treated us interns as part of the team. Teamwork -that was what I gained most as an intern there.

After 6 months working overseas, I decided to return home. Initially I dreaded the thought of completing my housemanship in Malaysia. It was probably because of the 'horror' stories I've heard about the hardship of working as a houseman home. But to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because I pictured worse. Or maybe it was because I managed to complete my housemanship in a university hospital which I heard is less busy than a general hospital. Of course, life is not a bed of roses. There are times of hardship, ups and downs, as in everything in life would be, but it is never the end of life.

Of course I can recall moments of pressure, especially coming from individuals, although I am grateful that this was rare. Maybe it was due to the fact that my first 6 months experience as a newly graduated intern was relatively more pleasant - in the sense that I was working in a peripheral hospital or district hospital , which was smaller in size with less number of patients. Nevertheless, the conducive environment and the motivating staff were the two key factors that help me to develop my working attitude and mould me to become the doctor I am today.

However I need to stress here that I am not undermining the working environment back home. I have nothing but respect to all the housemen that manage to complete their housemanship here. Is is tougher being a houseman in Malaysia compared to being an intern in Ireland. This is just my personal opinion based on my short experience working as both. What I found most different is the number of critically ill patients being treated in the general ward. When working in Ireland, most of the critically ill were managed in the intensive care unit or the high dependency ward. But this is a challenge in Malaysia as there are less intensive beds to accomodate the vast numbers of critically ill patients. That is why I am amazed at the skill and confidence of a fellow houseman managing an emergency case in the general ward, being the first person to attend such cases, not an anaesthetist medical officer as it would be in the ICU or HDU.

Unfortunately, the downside is, as a houseman, hungry for knowledge and experience, you will have to be careful in enquiring the right facts and learning new skills. Sometimes, the burden of work will force a houseman to learn from another, which can be disastrous if the 'teacher' himself/herself is not well-trained. I suppose due to the increasing awareness and the numbers of medicolegal cases in the western world, they are very careful at allowing an intern to perform a difficult procedure without supervision. However, in a crammed hospital with sometimes extension beds, this is probably a luxury. A houseman sometimes finds him or herself in a difficult place to manage on his/her own not because of lack of support, but because the senior officers also have their hands full managing cases. That is why I can understand why a fellow medical officer can easily loose his/her cool when a houseman makes a mistake. We do not expect housemen to be perfect but at the same time we want to protect them and ourselves from making mistakes that could cause a loss of life...

All in all, what I can summarize is that housemanship or internship is an oppurtunity for each new doctor to prepare him/herself in becoming a good medical practitoner and a team player. You have to be strong in and out and be positive always in facing the challenges of the medical world. You might be yelled at whether justified or not... but just remember, being scolded for a mistake is better that being regretful when a patient dies because of something that we do or do not do. And of course, at the end of it all, you become a better doctor each day if you learn from your mistake and try your best to do better.

Just remember why we became doctors in the first place. For muslims, doing your best is an act of faith and sincereley treating your patients and their relatives, and working together as a unit, all has a reward, if not in this life, in the hereafter...insyaAllah.

i hope this can inspire us to be good muslim doctors. may Allah help us in becoming one

[IKLAN] Kurma El-Jawhara untuk dijual

the message:

Muhammad: assalamu'alaikum wbt. kpd sesiapa yg masih berminat utk membeli kurma elJawharah, masih ada stok terhad di rumah ana sekrg: kurma coklat 500g (LE 13.50 per kotak), kurma badam 500g (LE 13.50 per kotak), kurma badam eksklusif (24 biji, packaging cantik) (LE 14.00 per kotak) dan kurma biasa 500g (LE 7.00 per kotak). sampel ada di rumah ana blh rasa sendiri. special offer: home delivery dan beli 10 kotak (any combination) percuma 1 kotak kurma biasa 500g. blh juga buat dedication utk adik2/sahabat2 yg tgh exam (okay, this was initially a joke, but since it's home delivery anyway, why not? i won't charge a piece of paper with nice words on it, just email me/send me the message with the recepient's address and i will send the gift to his/her door...(more coming)
Muhammad: (continued from before) and i don't mind getting a bit busy during the 2 elective weeks, though if anyone care to help, you will not find me ungrateful ). blh bgtau kawan2 yg lain. tp ingat: siapa cepat dia dpt! stok terhad! rabbuna yusahhil dan bittaufiq wannajah kpd mereka yg exam esok dan juga exam2 yg akan dtg. sama2 kita doakan kejayaan semua

the pictures (click to enlarge)

kurma coklat 500g (code:A1): LE 13.50

kurma badam 500 g (code: A2): LE 13.50

kurma badam eksklusif, 24 biji (code: A3): LE 14.00

kurma biasa 500g (code: A4): LE 7.00

*camera credits to Aswad

[PENGUMUMAN] Talk by Brother Idris Tawfiq tonight

from alexmed, posted by basyeer

salam semua ...

just menyampaikan pesanan dari saudara Erfan Edros dari Mr Mo'tasem (rasenye) yg hadir masa talk Idris Tawfiq kat U baru2 ni anjuran unit akademik PCI ... insya Allah malam ni (1st July 2010) Brother Idris Tawfiq akan menyampaikan talk beliau secara percuma di Alex dan dijemput pada semua yg free utk hadir. details :

tempat : 28 Syare' Abdel Hameed El Baary, Markaz Dirasat Islamiah, Stanley (berdekatan dgn laut)
masa : pkl 8 malam
penyertaan terbuka dan masuk percuma

rase dalam facebook beliau pun ade ditulis pasal talk ni ...

ok, tu je ...

wassalam ;)