1. Merah Saga @ Tumblr
Saturday, 15 January 2011
[PENGUMUMAN] new at Merah Saga
Posted by the Red Dragon at 13:25 0 comments
Labels: 5th year, akademik, business, elective, neuropsychiatric, note sharing, ONG, pediatric, pengumuman
[AKADEMIK] Other Infos
1. regarding MS notes
kertas MultipleSclerosis hari tu ada 6 defect.
1-bystander demyelination. ( da betulkan )
2-histological subtypes of MS lesion. ( xde dlm note )
3-table suggestive symptoms vs non-suggestive symptom. ( xde dlm note )
4-uthoff's phenomenon. ( xde dlm note )
5-MRI finding: at least THREE. ( da betulkan )
6-treatment kena check balik.
-takut kawan2 salah faham.
Defect 1 da betulkan.
Defect 5 da betulkan.
Yang lain xde dlm note ni.
RE-Edit: http://www.mediafire.com/?5w2t7wmmdd350xq
InsyaAllah, still nk dptkn note dr doc. hopefully we'll get it.
Syukran pada kawan2 yg share.
sesiapa yang berminat untuk download lecture pediatrics yg direcord blh download di sini (tak sure link ni jd ke tak):
tp kalau link tu tak jadi, atau tak nk tunggu satu persatu diupload, blh pinjam hardisk saya (so far got approximately 11 GB of recordings, around 4 GB are lectures)(dlm folder Medic -> 5th year 2010-2011 -> (subject pilihan) -> recordings). ada hampir semua lecture utk 5th year nyer subjek, termasuk clinical round (pardon the 'background noises')
p/s: Dropbox yg free edition tu max blh simpan 2 GB je.dan nk upload satu2 sgt makan masa. dan yg lama akan didelete. blh tlg expandkan my account's storage up to 8 GB dgn buat account melalui invitation saya (tiada paksaan). just send ur email to me.
harap blh membantu
Posted by the Red Dragon at 13:21 0 comments
Labels: 5th year, akademik, download, neuropsychiatric, note sharing
[AKADEMIK] Regarding Electives: Schedules and Places
Assalamualaikum. End of first elective course So tomorrow we will start our 2nd course, from Sunday 16 JANUARy à Thursday 27JANUARy 2011. Rough schedules of 2nd course:
*So according to our secretary,physical department,internal medicine,nicu,will have the same schedule and place,and also surgery courses will still be in CC from 9-1 but with some changes,will be informed later. *Since this is the first time,GIT endoscopy student,pls come early so you can ask Dr Fathy regarding the place and schedules for your course. Dr Fathy:010-1514644.*circulate the number among us only :p * Link for Trauma course- *Again,briefing for the whole course will be on the first day and usually the doctor will wait early in the morning so please please please come earlier ..~ *Any comments on previous courses,u can tell us and we will inform coordinator of elective subjects. *For the second course,please improve ;before Doctor Wafaa take serious actions over the VERY POOR ATTENDANCE of the first elective course. *Any other changes will be informed later.any problems dont hesitate to ask. p/s:28january marks the beginning of our stdy leave REMEMBER;OSCEs MCQs of peds and gynae will be on 12.13,14 february . GOOD LUCK! |
[KELAS] kelas pengajian Fiqh perubatan
by syazwan at alexmed
Alhamdulillah melalui inisiatif beberapa sahabat, kami merancang untuk mengadakan kelas pengajian Fiqh perubatan dan kelas ini kami bukak untuk tahun 5 sahaja kerana tempat adalah terhad. Antara objektif yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk kita mengetahui dan memahami hukum-hukum semasa yang berkaitan dengan masalah dalam bidang perubatan.. Kitab yang akan dibincangkan sepanjang perjalanan kelas ini adalah:
Kitab: Fiqh Al-Qadaya at-Tibbiya Mu’asirah
Pengajar: Ust Aqli
Masa: Jumaat (14/1/2011, 6.00 p.m)
Tempat: Rumah Saudara Farhan Mahabot & Nur Saadah
Posted by the Red Dragon at 13:17 0 comments
[KELAS] iklan kelas bahasa arab 2 (tawaran baru 2011)
Don’t miss the opportunity…
Catch your place
February/March 2011
Time Table:
ECA + Medical Course | ||||
Level (1) | Days | Times | No. of Students | Price |
Sat. & Wed. | From 6 to 9 p.m. | From 5 to 10 | 500 L.E per student | |
Level (1) | Days | Times | No. of Students | Price |
Sun. & Tue. | From 5 to 8 p.m. | From 5 to 10 | 500 L.E per student |
- For a class of minimum 5 students
Level (2) | Days | Times | No. of Students | Price |
Mon. & Tur. | From 5 to 8 p.m. | From 5 to 10 | 500 L.E per student | |
| From 10 to 15 | 450 L.E per student |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Ini adalah iklan dari Arabi Center For Arabic Studies tentang program-program yang mereka sediakan dan pakej khas dengan diskaun untuk pelajar-pelajar Malaysia.
Arabi Center ni, selain mereka menawarkan pengajaran bahasa arab standard, mereka juga menawarkan pengajaran bahasa arab pasar khas untuk pelajar perubatan. diajar oleh doktor perubatan berbangsa mesir, bagi memudahkan kita berhubung dengan masyarakat tempatan, terutama dengan pesakit bila dah masuk tahun klinikal.
Kalau beginner habis pun boleh start belajar inshaAllah.
Selain itu terdapat kelas tajwid Al-Qur'an, kelas tulisan khat, kelas bahasa Perancis, German dan sebagainya.
Bagi yang dah lihat iklan mereka di asrama MARA, sila ambil perhatian bahawa jadual yang dipampang diubah waktunya, ke waktu yang baru seperti di bawah.
Amat baiklah jika kita dapat memanfaatkan waktu kita di sini untuk perkara-perkara yang berfaedah, daripada membuang usia tanpa manfaat.
Bersama-sama e-mail ini disertakan iklan mereka (seperti di bawah) dan peta ke Arabi Center.
Sekian, terima kasih.
من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله
barangsiapa yang menunjukkan orang lain ke arah kebaikan, maka baginya pahala sama seperti orang yang membuat kebaikan itu (sahih muslim)
Muhammad Yasir Ahmad Muslim,
Tahun 5
011 868 8677
*Saya hanya bantu mereka iklankan program mereka sahaja, dengan persetujuan Ustaz Isahak, saya tak dapat apa-apa komisen ye..
Arabi Center Programs
- Arabi Center provides the students with different programs to meet their needs in the process of learning Arabic language
- Our programs are :
Ø Classical Arabic (CA)
Ø Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)
Ø Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA)
Ø Arabic Calligraphy
Ø Specialized courses different careers (Arabic for business, Arabic for medicine…)
- Regular courses are provided all around the year with different study programs (Crash Courses, Intensive courses, Private courses…) to be able to provide whoever desires to learn Arabic with the most suitable program
- Arabi center provides scholarship-study-packages for foreigner students which provide them with the basics of Arabic language together with the specialized courses they need
- The center provides a special group program in “Classical Arabic” for Faculty of medicine students in beginners level
- Special offers for organizations and universities
Winter Offer,, From October to May 2010\2011
Classical Arabic (CA) | |
Number of students | Package cost / level |
3 , 4 Students | 650 L.E |
5 – 10 Students | 550 L.E |
11 – 15 Students | 450 L.E |
Number of hours per level = 30 hrs [6 hours a week] |
Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) | |
Number of students | Package cost / level |
3 , 4 students | 600 L.E |
5 – 10 students | 500 L.E |
11 – 15 students | 400 L.E |
Number of hours per level = 30 hrs [6 hours a week] |
Ø Time Tables of the different programs :-
ECA | |||||
Number of Days a week | Number of Hours a week | Number of weeks | Number of Hours per level | Days and Times | |
2 | 5 | 6 | 30 | Sat. & Wed.
| From 4.30 to 7 p.m. |
Sun. & Tue. | From 4.30 to 7 P.m. | ||||
Mon. & Thu. | From 4.30 to 7 p.m. | ||||
3 | 6 | 5 | 30 | Sun – Tue - Thu | From 6 to 8 p.m. |
CA | |||||
Number of Days a week | Number of Hours a week | Number of weeks | Number of Hours per level | Days and Times | |
2 | 5 | 6 | 30 | Sat. & Wed.
| From 6 to 8.30 p.m. |
Sun. & Tue. | From 6 to 8.30 P.m. | ||||
Mon. & Thu. | From 6 to 8.30 p.m. | ||||
3 | 4 | 7.5 | 30 | Sat. – Mon. –Wed. | From 4.30 to 6.30 p.m. |
Attachment(s) from freddie mercury
1 of 1 File(s)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 12:50 0 comments
Labels: kelas
[AKADEMIK] neuropsychiatric: assignment
Regarding our assignment, we need to contact by ourselves the doctor who has been assigned for our assignment.
We have been devided into 12 groups, so each group please choose a leader then contact your prof. immediately. I suggest only during working hour.
Please find the attached file or download pdf format here to know the detail: assignment
1 of 1 Photo(s)
Posted by the Red Dragon at 06:53 0 comments
Labels: 5th year, akademik, neuropsychiatric
[ARTIKEL] Hidden Treasure: Kenapa Sombong?
from http://neo-rantissi.blogspot.com/
Buat apa kita nak sombong? Cuma sedikit gempa bumi selama 30 saat, sudah mampu membinasakan ribuan manusia, bahkan jutaan! Hanya dengan satu virus yang hanya bisa dilihat oleh electron microscope, satu dunia jadi kelam kabut dan kecoh. Dengan hanya satu ribut taufan, ribuan tempat tinggal manusia boleh hancur begitu sahaja. Allah! Itu semua adalah bukti kekuasaanNya.
Posted by the Red Dragon at 06:50 0 comments
Labels: artikel
[AKADEMIK] Downloads: Neuropsych & Elective
Posted by the Red Dragon at 06:12 0 comments
Labels: 5th year, akademik, download, elective, lecture, neuropsychiatric
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
[AKADEMIK] Downloads: neuropsych, elective and round
1.lectures 1) classification of psychiatric illness 2) introduction to mental health 2.this is the schedule for mental health (each monday & tuesday - there are some mistakes in the schedules for the days) ELECTIVE (Diabetes) |
Posted by the Red Dragon at 20:57 0 comments
Labels: 5th year, akademik, download, elective, lecture, neuropsychiatric
Monday, 3 January 2011
[AKADEMIK] Other Infos
1) ID card (if not settled yet)
For the students who didn't get their ID card yet..please bring a photo tomorrow and pass it to me or Zakwan.and please write your name & ID on it.
Please be co-operative so that we can solve this problem as soon as possible.
Monday; 3 January 2011.
Group 1 : 98 - 126 + 206
Group 2 : 127 - 150 + 202,204,205
Group 3 : 152 - 178 + 207,209
Group 4 : 179 - 201 + 208,210,211,212
Posted by the Red Dragon at 08:15 0 comments
Labels: akademik, download, neuropsychiatric
Happy Birthdays!
3: aswad (‘86)
4: afifi (kedok)
6: fariz (‘89)
10: nor farizah (‘87)
13: noranadia
14: tarmizi (b. abd. razak), norhadila (‘87)
18: siti nur aliah
20:farhan (b. abd talib)
22: an Najjah (‘89), nur amira
24: omar mokhtar
25: nur sabrina, raja suhaili (‘87)
accept your good deeds, make you all worthy of the Paradise and save you
all from the Hellfire
Posted by the Red Dragon at 08:09 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
[AKADEMIK] Regarding Electives: Schedules and Places
Kita akan mulakan elektif subjek PERTAMA :
Isnin 3 JANUARI hingga Sabtu 15JANUARI.
Department2 berikut sahaja yang dah bagi schedule.Utk department lain,kalau esok masih tak dapat ,kita refer pada jadual group lepas,esok akan dipostkan schedule utk semua department.
Subject | Place | Time |
1. Surgery:Care Of Multiple Trauma Patient | Convention Center | Evday from 9am-1pm **Only first and second Monday,9-11am |
2. Paediatrics :Skills In Neonatal Care
| Shatby hospital [NICU] *building of OnG department!! | Everyday from 9am-2pm |
3. Internal medicine:Diabetis In Practice
| Internal Medicine Dept, Miri Hospital *Diabetes floor | Everyday 8am-2pm |
4. Physical medicine:Sport Medicine | Physical Medicine Dept, Miri Hospital
| Everyday 8.30am-1.30pm |
5. Physical medicine:Alternative Medicine
| Convention Center | All day 8.30am-1.30pm |
6. Clinical Pharmacology Application In Internal Medicine | Convention Center | Everyday 8-2pm *only this Monday 8-10am |
7. Department of Surgery:Advanced Course of Surgical Oncology | Convention Centre | Everyday from 9 to 11 *except Monday; will be from 9 to 1 |
8.Internal medicine:Heamatology | Int medicine department *Diabetes floor | Everyday from 8am to 2pm |
9.Internal medicine:Principles Of Advances Pulmonary Medicine | Chest Department, Miri Hospital | Everyday from 8-2pm |
Posted by the Red Dragon at 06:56 0 comments