It has been a while.. may be Admin blog ni sibuk.Alhamdulillah untuk result final kita semua. Jadi saya mewakili admin Merah Saga ingin mengucapkan Tahniah/Mabruk kepada semua Batch 06/12 diatas kejayaan anda semua dalam peperiksaan final yang lepas. Semoga kejayaan anda pada hari ini adalah satu titik permulaan untuk kita semua ke arah yang lebih baik dalam usaha kita untuk melahirkan Doktor Muslim yang terbaik untuk Ummah.
september 7: raden 9: solihin, tengku muhammad fakhruddin 10: che mohd hanif (‘86) 11: faten fathonah 15: syafiq (mat peet), zurainah (‘86) 16: Rahman, nawwar (‘87) 21: faizatul izzati (‘87) 26: nur shuhaini (‘87) 29: noor hidayah (bt. mohd norbi)
may Allah bless you all, help you all with doing good, forgive your sins, accept your good deeds, make you all worthy of the Paradise and save you all from the Hellfire
Taqabbal Allhuminna wa minkum (May Allah accept from us and from you all)
...after seeing that thepeople of Madeenah had two holidays which they celebrated from before Islaam, which isreported by Anas ibn Maalik that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said,
“Allâh has given you better than those feasts: the ‘Eid-ul-Adh-haa (Feast of Sacrificing), and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr (feast of Breaking the fast).” [Sunan An-Nasaaee, Sunan Abu Dauwud. It is authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Aboo Daawood]
barakallahulakuma,wabarik alaikuma wa jam'a bainakuma fi khair
بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما وجمع بينكما في خير
meaning: "May Allah bless both of you during easy times and hardships, and unite both of you in goodness"
"Semoga Allah memberkahimu ketika senang dan susah & sentiasa mengumpulkan kamu dlm kebaikan"
~the Summary:
(regarding akad/walimah, i might be wrong about the dates due to lack of
information. do correct me where i'm wrong)
-Faizal & Amalina (akad and walimah: Bride's side; Kota Bharu,Kelantan)
-Aswad & Kaiyisah (akad and walimah: bride's side; Jeli, Kelantan)
-Faris (Bob) and Norliza (walimah: bride's side; Besut, Terengganu)
-Aswad & Kaiyisah (walimah: bridegroom's side; Tanah Merah, Kelantan)
"Fasting is Mine and it is I who give reward for it. [A man] gives up his sexual passion, his food and his drink for My sake. Fasting is like a shield, and he who fasts has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord. The change in the breath of the mouth of him who fasts is better in Allah’s estimation than the smell of musk’ "(Related by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa’i and Ibn Majah).
august 6: siti nur zulaikha 7: erfan 8: nur zulieffa 9: nur aimi 11: anis shuhaili, shamsuhana, fairouz (‘87), izyani 12: nur fazila 14: abdul Haq 15: nur hidayah (bt. ghazali hasni) 16: nadiah (bt. norudin) 17: syafikah 18:zahida 22: faris 25: izzati shahira 27: norhashimah, farirruddin 31: nor fazlina (‘87)
may Allah bless you all, help you all with doing good, forgive your sins, accept your good deeds, make you all worthy of the Paradise and save you all from the Hellfire
July 1: zunawanis, ariff (b. A rashid) 2: farid 3: asza azia 5: hafiz (hab) 6: atif (‘87) 7: nur atiqah 11: firdaus (daus), nik ahmad arif (‘87), syahmi, zakwan 18: norbayani 19: farah asyikin 23: noor afifah (bt. said) 27: nurul atikah (bt. ab latiff) (‘87) 29: haslimatun, tarmizi (zain) (‘86) 31: ‘ali (alay)
may Allah bless you all, help you all with doing good, forgive your sins, accept your good deeds, make you all worthy of the Paradise and save you all from the Hellfire
WELCOME. To the new visitors, do read the 'Prologue', the 1st post. it will help with your questions insyaAllah. p/s: because most of the posts here are just copy & paste, and editing the font takes too much time, some posts can hardly be read, if at all. so to read the illegible, press ctrl+A to highlight all and presto! they can be perused now. hope this helps
Apprehension is a part of wisdom...
MERAH: (english: RED) one of the many colors that beautify this world. from wordweb: Of a colour at the end of the colour spectrum. thesaurus: carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, reddy, ruby, ruby-red, ruddy, scarlet, vermilion, cardinal, carmine, wine, blood-red; coral, cochineal, rose; brick-red, maroon, rusty, rufous; reddish; poetic/literarydamask, vermeil, sanguine
SAGA: -bm: dari wikipedia bahasa melayu: dari buah saga yang berwarna merah. pokok saga ialah sejenis pokok saka malar hijau yang besar -english: from wordweb: A narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family -thesaurus: rigmorale; chain of events; informal spiel
the Red Heart
a very appropriate picture for the month, isn't it?
just another alex medical student, batch '06 (currently 5th year).
Who I really am is anyone's guess. if there is any good in doing this, then I would like to remain anonymous to help me stay sincere. but I am neither FBI nor CIA; having the expertise to stay in the shadow undetected for a long time, so if you do figure out who I am, I would appreciate it if you can keep it for yourself. May Allah reward you for doing this for the sake of your brother/sister. wallahua'lam
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. beliau berkata: Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda:
Janganlah kamu saling DENGKI MENDENGKI, TIPU MENIPU, BENCI MEMBENCI, BELAKANG MEMBELAKANGI antara satu sama lain. Janganlah sebahagian kamu menjual barangan atas jualan orang lain. Hendaklah kamu menjadi hamba-hamba Allah yang BERSAUDARA. Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi seorang muslim; dia TIDAK BOLEH MENZALIMINYA, membiarkannya (dalam kehinaan), MEMBOHONGINYA dan MENGHINANYA. Ketaqwaan itu di sini - sambil Baginda menunjuk ke dadanya sebanyak tiga kali - Cukuplah seseorang itu MENDAPAT KEBURUKAN APABILA DIA MENGHINA SAUDARANYA YANG MUSLIM. Setiap orang muslim ke atas muslim itu haram darahnya, hartanya danMARUAH DIRINYA. (hadis riwayat Muslim)
I hope we care and are aware
“Sesiapa yang tidak peduli urusan umat Islam, dia bukan dari kalangan mereka”. (Hadis)